I meant to post this before school ended, but life got busy! Each year our third, fourth, and fifth
graders take an End of Grade test in reading and math (commonly called the
EOG). For the third graders, this is their first time taking "The
Test" and they are nervous.
In an effort to help calm their
nervousness, the third grade teachers have an EOG camp to practice literacy
and math skills. Students enjoy this creative time to practice EOG
strategies. The academic camp mixed with physical activity is just the thing to
get our students in shape for the EOGs!
On the last day before EOGs,
I read Testing Miss Malarkey
by Judy Finchler. We laugh at the
people/situations in the story. I remind them they have no need to be nervous
because they are smart and have been taught everything they need!
Last, I give
each of them a treat bag. Inside the bag, are the following contents: Hershey Kiss,
Pencil Sharpener, #2 Pencil, Hand Lens, Bubblegum, Eraser, Rubber band,
Starburst, and Penny. The children must guess how these items relate to the EOG
test they are about to take. Once they've had some time to guess, I ask them to
take out their paper that has the explanation on it.
- Hershey Kiss--Kiss those testing
jitters goodbye.
- Pencil Sharpener--You are a sharp
- #2 Pencil--When you take the
test, use your #2 pencil
- Hand Lens-Carefully read the
directions and carefully look at all answer choices.
- Bubblegum-Circle the answers in
your book and darkly fill in the correct bubble on your answer sheet.
- Eraser-If you must erase, make sure
the unwanted marks are gone.
- Rubber band/Starburst-Remember,
you're #1 and bursting with knowledge.
- Penny-You will shine like a star.
Since I bought the items at the Dollar Tree, the cost was inexpensive (24 students), and the children were happy to get their bags!
If you are interested in making your own testing motivation bags, feel free to grab Sweet Testing Tips in my TpT store. I've created cards to match the sayings listed above (color and black/white). Enjoy!
Until Next Time,
~Third Grade Whimsy~