Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015! Hello 2016!

        Goodbye 2015! As the year comes to an end, I want to thank you all for the support you have given this year. 2015 has been a year full of new adventures and friendships. I am grateful for all of the experiences I've had this year, and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

        Hello 2016! I'm looking forward to more adventures in the new year. I hope 2016 finds you full of peace, good health, and happiness! No one knows what lies ahead, but I have a feeling the new year will be RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING!

        I'm also happy to post about my newest two products! In preparation for the return of my students, I created Happy New Year postcards. These are editable so you can personalize with their names. There is also a blank version included so you can add the message of your choice.

        Need more multiplication practice? Try Multiplication Bump! These games are geared toward a certain multiplication fact table and there is a bonus of two games that are a combination of facts.

        Last, some of my blogging friends and I are offering some amazing dollar deals from January 1-4. Search #2016dollardeals on TpT.
 These items in my store will be discounted to $1 during the sale.

Until Next Time!
Third Grade Whimsy

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Winter Break is here!

Yes! The moment has finally arrived. I am so happy winter break has started!! Are you on winter break or are you still teaching?

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Click! Save! Smile!

Click! Save! Smile!

Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support of Third Grade Whimsy. 

The latest, greatest news is the TpT Cyber sale on November 30th and December 1st. Items in my store will be discounted 20%. If you use the promo code SMILE at checkout, TpT will give you an additional 10% off your purchase--giving you up to 28% off my entire store! 

Take care!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Winner! Winner!

The Fall in Love with Teaching Blog Hop was a blast! I know you all got some great tips/advice as you hopped along. Rafflecopter has ended, and it's time to announce the winners! Drum roll please...

Amy M. is the winner of my Editable Absent Folder Covers and Teacher Absent Folder Covers.

Amanda W. is the winner of the $25 TpT gift certificate, and Leander J. is the winner of the $50 TpT gift certificate. Congratulations to everyone!

Until Next Time,

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Fall In Love With Teaching

Fall In Love with Teaching Blog Hop

Welcome friends to our #thirdgradetribe Fall in Love with Teaching Blog Hop! Fall in love with teaching (or fall in love again) as you hop through 20 blogs to get great tips, giveaways, fun freebies, and have a chance to enter a major giveaway for 2 grand prizes: $50 TpT gift card and a  $25 TpT gift card. In addition, I am also giving away a freebie and doing a Rafflecopter for a product!

My time saving tip is for the inevitable: absent students and an absent YOU. It will happen, and it's great to be prepared for when you or your students are absent. 

My Editable Absent Folder Covers come in a set of 10 black/white covers and 10 color covers. 

Print, glue on a folder or pocket folder, and laminate. When a student is absent, place one of these absent folders on the desk. Throughout the day, place work/papers inside the folder. When the student returns to school, send the absent folder home. The missed work is completed and returned to school in the folder. These covers are editable! Use what I have listed or think of your own message.

To help myself stay organized for the substitute teacher during my absence, I use teacher absent folders.  I have a folder for each day of the week. If I know of my absence in advance, I place my plans and all needed work in the correct folder. These folders can also be used for every day use if you prefer.

I also like for the substitute teacher to give feedback about the day. Use the Substitute Log to find out how the day went. Click on the link above to download your freebie.

Well, that's it for my "absent" tips. In addition to the freebie, I'm giving away an Editable Absent Folder Cover and the Teacher Daily Absent Folder Cover. 

Now for the grand prizes. Enter below for a chance to win a $25 TpT card or a $50 TpTcard! Good luck !!!!!!!!

The next blogger is Kim over at Elementary Antics! Click on the button below to hop to her site and find more ways to fall in love with teaching.

 Click Here

Happy Fall!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Tomorrow is the BIG day!

Tomorrow is the BIG day! 20 bloggers (including myself) are offering great tips, fabulous giveaways, and fun freebies! We're also offering a grand prize giveaway of a $50 TpT gift card and a $25 TpT gift card! Come back tomorrow at 8:00 AM for your adventure to begin!

Take care!

Friday, August 28, 2015

B.O.Y. Tired

Well, it's been awhile since I've posted. That's because I have been getting ready for the first day of school.

This has been a great first week, but I am tired!! If you started school this week, congratulations! You made it! If you haven't started school, good luck when you do.

Until Next Time,

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Editable Absent Covers and TpT eBooks

Hi Everyone!

Today I want to talk about two new things. First, it's with great excitement that I'm proud to announce the release of my latest product: Editable Absent Folder Covers.

This file include 10 different versions in color and the same 10 different versions in black/white. Click on the link above to check it out.

Second, the TpT eBooks are out. These books are full of helpful Back to School tips, freebies, & other products to help start the school year. Here's the link for 3rd and 4th grade. Once you click the link, you'll find links for other grades also.

Until next time!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Assess Week 2: This or That

Hi everyone! I'm linking back up with Rachel from The Tattooed Teacher for Week 2 of Assess Me. This week is all about This or That.

This week was so much fun! Don't miss out. Hop on over to Rachel's site and join in! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

BTS Extended!

Hello everyone! I've extended my sale through Thursday, August 6th! However, the TpT 10% discount code will not apply. All items in my store will still be 20% off on Wednesday and Thursday.

Until next time!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

TpT Back to School Sale

Hello everyone,
I'm excited about the latest site-wide TpT sale from Monday, August 3rd through Tuesday, August 4th. Items in my store will be discounted 20%. If you use the promo code BTS15 at checkout, you can save an additional amount (up to 28%). Now is the time to get those items off your wish list and into a cart. Stay safe and be cool.

Until next time,

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Currently August 2015

It's August!!! What happened to July?? This month, my very first post will be a link up with Farley at Oh Boy! Fourth Grade for August Currently.

  • Listening: I love watching/listening to Lip Sync Battle! Sometimes I find myself laughing so hard. This is becoming one of my favorite shows!
  • Loving: Summer School ended yesterday. I'm loving the fact I can say I'm on summer vacation. Today I slept until 7:50!
  • Thinking: Two weeks stand between me and when I have to report back to school! Summer is quickly coming to an end.
  • Wanting: Now that summer school is over, I just want to relax and do whatever makes me happy. 
  • Needing: I bought this cute calendar from a supply store. I need to fill it with dates. Maybe I will be motivated to get it out of the plastic bag and work on those dates.
  • B2S RAK: I plan to give back to school treats to some colleagues. I feel it's a fun way to welcome back everyone as we start a new year.

Well, this is what's currently happening with me. What is currently happening with you?

Until Next Time,

Monday, July 27, 2015

Assess Me! A Get to Know Me Linky!

Hi. I'm teaming up with Rachel at The Tattooed Teacher for a teacher assessment linky. This week is all about yes or no.

Here is my assessment!

Now that you know a little bit about me, go to Rachel's site and complete your own assessment. Until next time.

~Third Grade Whimsy~

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Favorite Things About Summer

Favorite Things:Summer

Hi everyone! Today I'm participating in My Favorite Things hosted by The Teaching Trio! I decided to blog about a few of my favorite summer things.

     Rest--Yes, I love to get that extra sleep in the summer! Summer provides no alarm clock. I can stay up as late as I wish. It's so refreshing to be able to wake up without the sound of the alarm going off in the morning. I can even take a nap in the middle of the day if I wish!

     Watch TV--I don't record shows. Therefore, if I'm not around to see a program, I just don't get to see it. In the summer, I get to catch up on some of my favorite game shows, talk shows, and whatever else comes on my television. Family Feud and The Price is Right are two of my favorite morning game shows.

     Networking--Summer provides more opportunity for me to further explore different blogs. Thanks to the #tptsellerchallenge, I have started to network more. I was already using Facebook, but not as much as I am now. My Twitter account is developing nicely. I also started a Pinterest account. Now, if I can just take the plunge and join the Instagram world. I have a personal account, but I don't use it often. So, I'm not sure if I should try to use it professionally.

Now you know a few of my favorite summer things. Feel free to comment about my favorites and tell me about some of your favorite things.

Happy Summer!
Third Grade Whimsy

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

TpT Seller Challenge Week 2: Dare to Dream

Hello again for the second time today! It's Week 2 of the #TpTSellerChallenge hosted by Third in Hollywood, Teach Create Motivate, Sparkling in Second, and Peppy Zesty Teacherista. Dare to Dream is the challenge for Week 2.


  1. Travel-I would love to visit all 50 states. Even though I have traveled to some of the states, I still have quite a few I need to visit. I also want to go out of the country. The only place I've visited is Antigua, a beautiful island in the West Indies.
  2. Build My Personal Learning Network-I want to connect with other Bloggers. I'm hoping the #tptsellerchallenge will create new connections and lasting friendships.
  3. Help Others-I want to help my family and my friends.
  4. Build My TpT store-I wish to see my store grow by creating products that educators find to be of value.
  5. Financial Peace/Security-My husband recently got out of the hospital, and the bills will soon start rolling in. I want to pay them off along with our house mortgage. I would love to be debt free!

Here are some of my dreams! What do you think? Be sure to leave me a comment and feel free to share your dreams.

Take care!
~Third Grade Whimsy~

TpT Seller Challenge Week 1: Makeover Madness

Hello everyone! It's with excitement that I share my good news: I'm participating in the #TpTSellerChallenge! This wonderful idea is the brainchild of Third in Hollywood, Teach Create Motivate, Sparkling in Second, and Peppy Zesty Teacherista.

Makeover Madness is the challenge for Week 1. Even though I had to only makeover one product, I did three!!!

Blank School Calendars was my very first creation. I used Word (gasp), and it took me forever to create. It was my labor of love, and I was so proud of my first freebie! Now that I look at it, I can't believe I designed that cover. I totally love the new cover design.
Makeover Madness-Blank School Calendars

For Bossy R,  I changed the cover, added more graphics, added another activity, formatted for task cards use, and recreated the document in PPT (if only I had known about creating in PPT when I first got started)! You can go here to check it out.

I have. Who has received a cover change. I liked the color scheme so I just redesigned the cover.

I am truly enjoying my TpT adventure. My style is evolving as I adventure into the online world. Stick around as I learn and grow!

Take care!
~Third Grade Whimsy~

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sweet Testing Tips

     I meant to post this before school ended, but life got busy! Each year our third, fourth, and fifth graders take an End of Grade test in reading and math (commonly called the EOG). For the third graders, this is their first time taking "The Test" and they are nervous.

     In an effort to help calm their nervousness, the third grade teachers have an EOG camp to practice literacy and math skills. Students enjoy this creative time to practice EOG strategies. The academic camp mixed with physical activity is just the thing to get our students in shape for the EOGs!

     On the last day before EOGs, I read Testing Miss Malarkey
by Judy Finchler. We laugh at the people/situations in the story. I remind them they have no need to be nervous because they are smart and have been taught everything they need! 

     Last, I give each of them a treat bag. Inside the bag, are the following contents: Hershey Kiss, Pencil Sharpener, #2 Pencil, Hand Lens, Bubblegum, Eraser, Rubber band, Starburst, and Penny. The children must guess how these items relate to the EOG test they are about to take. Once they've had some time to guess, I ask them to take out their paper that has the explanation on it.

  • Hershey Kiss--Kiss those testing jitters goodbye.
  • Pencil Sharpener--You are a sharp student.
  • #2 Pencil--When you take the test, use your #2 pencil
  • Hand Lens-Carefully read the directions and carefully look at all answer choices.
  • Bubblegum-Circle the answers in your book and darkly fill in the correct bubble on your answer sheet.
  •  Eraser-If you must erase, make sure the unwanted marks are gone.
  • Rubber band/Starburst-Remember, you're #1 and bursting with knowledge.
  • Penny-You will shine like a star.
     Since I bought the items at the Dollar Tree, the cost was inexpensive (24 students), and the children were happy to get their bags! 

     If you are interested in making your own testing motivation bags, feel free to grab Sweet Testing Tips in my TpT store. I've created cards to match the sayings listed above (color and black/white). Enjoy!

Until Next Time,
~Third Grade Whimsy~

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hello Summer!

Monday was the last day of school for me--180 days of learning! Even though I am glad to see summer vacation, I am kind of sad to see my children leave. I must be the mother bird and watch them fly the nest. 

Are you now on your summer break? If not, how many days of school do you have left?

Take care,
Third Grade Whimsy

Please stay in touch.

Blog          TpT Store          Facebook          Twitter

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Days

To celebrate Teacher's Appreciation, TpT is hosting a two day sale to say THANK YOU! Everything in my store will be marked down by 20% on Monday, May 5 and Tuesday, May 6. Save an additional 10% when you use the promo code: Thank You. That's a total savings of 28% off. Now's the time to get those items off your wish list!

Until Next Time!
Third Grade Whimsy

Please stay in touch.
Blog          TpT Store          Facebook          Twitter

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Keep Calm and Teach!

Someone just reminded me there are 30 days of school left! Yikes! Where did the time go? It seems just like yesterday I was getting my room ready for the beginning of the year, and now the year is winding down!!!!!!! I am determined not to get caught up in the "end of year grind." 

Instead, I plan to 

Until next time!
Third Grade Whimsy

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Tech Tips for Teachers Ebook 2015

Looking for some technology tips? Well, look no further! Some TpT teacher-authors have come together to create a free eBook full of technology integration tips that will help incorporate technology into the classroom. Go download! You will not be disappointed.

Tech Tips for Teachers Ebook 2015

Until next time!
Third Grade Whimsy

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Goodbye Spring Break!

Yep, you read that correctly! My Spring Break is over. It's amazing how two days fly by quickly. Time to put on the lanyard and report to work. Take care everyone.

Until next time!
Third Grade Whimsy

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring Break, here I come!

It's finally here! Spring Break! Due to the unexpected snow, three days of spring break were used to make up for lost school days. I can finally relax and maybe cross some things off my to do list.

Take care!
Third Grade Whimsy

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Spring Forward

Hello everyone! Daylight Savings Time begins tomorrow. Don't forget to spring forward and set your clocks at 2:00.

Take care!
Third Grade Whimsy

Friday, February 27, 2015

Snow Day 8

Yep, you read it right! Today is snow day #8. At least we now have power. However, there are still areas that don't. Stay safe and be warm, people!

Until next time,
Third Grade Whimsy

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 7-No Power

School is out again. We are now on day 7 of no school due to weather.

It snowed again last night. First, it came down as soft flakes. Then, it really came down. When I woke up this morning, it was a winter wonderland--without power! We haven't had power for six hours, and there is no word on when any is expected. I hope you all have power, and if not, stay warm and be safe.

Until next time,
Third Grade Whimsy

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snow Day-Take 6!

It snowed all day yesterday, and we have no school today. That makes a total of 6 days of no school (4 last week and 2 this week). 

All that snow made me think of one thing: Snow cream! I made some yesterday, and it was delicious. 

Doesn't it look good?

Stay warm and be safe!
~Third Grade Whimsy~

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snow Day-5 & Teachers are Heroes!

Today began as a two-hour delay. Then, it turned into a cancellation! So, I've been home working catching up on things. As I look out my window, the snow is softly falling down, and it's a beautiful sight to see. Maybe I'll go outside and play in the snow! 

I also want to take this time to announce that TpT is having a Teachers Are Heroes Sale on February 25th. I will extend the sale to February 26th. The items in my store will be discounted 20% and with the site wide TpT sale percentage, you can save up to 28%. Make sure you use the promo code HEROES to get that discount!

Stay warm and be safe!

~Third Grade Whimsy~

Friday, February 20, 2015

4 ?!?!

Today marks day 4 of no school! There is no snow, but there is lots of ice. I will be happy when all roads are clear and everyone can safely travel over the roads.

Take care!
~Third Grade Whimsy~

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Snow Day 3!!!

Yep! You read correctly. We are out for a third day! I've been working on some long range plans, cleaning,  and catching up on TV. It's a good thing that I can work and watch TV at the same time! 

Take care and stay warm!

~Third Grade Whimsy~

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Day-Part 2

Well, we're out again! Ice makes it unsafe to travel, and I'm glad we all get to be safe at home. Today is a more productive day for me. What about you? Stay safe and be warm! ❄️

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow Day!

SNOW DAY! Two words that are music to the ears of many students and teachers. We didn't have school today, and I've truly enjoyed catching up on sleep and watching my favorite programs. Ha! Ha! Did you think I was going to say grading papers? Now it's time to play the waiting game and see if there is school tomorrow. I guess I should start making plans and grading papers.  :-)

Until later!
Third Grade Whimsy

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Goodbye Winter Break!!

Goodbye Winter Break!!

I spent most of winter break sick. I didn't start to feel better until December 30th, three days before the teacher workday! Well, my mind is now thinking about all the things I had wanted to accomplish but did not!

Now it's time to put on my lanyard, put my keys in my purse, and return to work. I spent yesterday and today creating two new activities. I will post pictures later! 

So for all of you returning to work tomorrow, good luck!